Friday, February 08, 2008

Utah .... last day Friday

Had a great day at Powder Mountain skied ALL day hitting a lot of untracked powder. It was clear as the pictures will show but it was a bit breezy on the chairlifts.

With the sky blue and the Powder pretty decent (it was a tad wind blown in places) it was a great day to ski

I spent most of the day skiing with a guy named Brian from Manhattan Beach California and then at lunch met up with Eric & Kitty and the 4 of us skied the rest of the day together.

This is Kitty & Eric from Seattle they were staying at our hotel and we enjoyed dinner together several times. They are both very good skiers and pushed my limits in the powder. I told them they were cheating since they had rented FAT powder skis (grin)

They were having a Kite skiing clinic and competition on the mountain yesterday. Not sure how they did it with the very strong winds we had yesterday

Looking forward to getting home this evening and seeing the boys and our dog pepper.

1 comment:

ThyWordHaveIHid said...

Glad you got some good sking and meeting up with friends. Funny how you southerners like to vacation in the cold snowy areas. We who live here prefer the warmner temps.

Love Ya,