Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Friends and Weather

Got a call that Cullie was in town and wanted us to come for dinner on Friday evening. His daughter Sara made a great dinner and some good conversation was had over the meal and for several hours afterwards. It was good to see him; he came back in country because his Mom had a stroke- please pray for her.

On Saturday we enjoyed a visit from "Uncle Gary" who rode across the country with us this summer. He was accompanied by Sharon his wife. Mike and Cayce came we enjoyed lunch and supper with them. Gary and Sharon are in Florida till the end of March before they head back to Wisconsin.

With the weather so nice we were unsure what mode of transportation to use (see the sign) -- although the horse one would have been difficult since we do not have a horse.
We headed out on a nice leisurely ride on Friday morning and it stretched till lunch as we meandered some of the nice back roads in our county; passing lakes, horses and some cows.
Marion County is noted for its horses but there are some cattle as well. They were so excited someone was paying attention to them they came over to say hello.
This one wanted his nose scratched and a close up taken.
As this picture denotes we are not above asking if we can take a photo should an interesting subject come along. These were some fancy golf carts for sale in Summerfield. He had a wide selection and I took several shots of them.

On a closing note.... we have had over 2,000 visitors to the site and only a handful of comments... I changed the settings so you just have to click (comment) and type. If you do it that way sign your name so we can tell who you are.

Have a great week


Jeff said...

Mike, Thanks for the blog and sharing about what is going on. I am sitting here in my warm woolies and down vest while I read and facebook. Quite different than when I had on shorts, no shirt, and the fans going full blast there in Ocala. Wool and silk are my favorite textiles now. Bought a wool, silk, and cashmere sport coat and was thrilled!! Later :>)


ThyWordHaveIHid said...

Nice Pics.... LOL especially the cows.

just kidding... Love Nancy