Monday, September 03, 2007

Friday's fun

Friday August 31st.

We arrived at the State Park which is right on the beach on Friday afternoon about 1:30 it was pretty warm. Set up of the pop up went flawlessly and we were inside with the AC running before the afternoon thunderstorms hit. It is relaxing for me to relax in the camper and hear the rain. Did a little work, read some and took a nap….then the rain had stopped and we went for a nice walk ended up going out to the ocean. The ocean always reminds me of God because of its expansiveness and power. There is a verse in the Bible that talks of how God laid out the ocean within its boundaries and I am always amazed how this remains true. Yes it creeps out momentarily during Hurricanes and Tsunami’s but basically it stays put…..regardless of what those Global Warming folks might want to purport. I ended the evening sitting talking to my friend Bob (not Uncle Bob) about life and enjoying an adult beverage.

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