Saturday, December 01, 2007

Monkeys, Wild Boar, and Reflection

This week was an excellent week at the office. I was able to get in 3 nice mountain bike rides and one on the road so the training for the Ididaride event in January is on track.

On Friday Bernice and I kayaked the Silver River. We were on the river early, it was like a trip back in time. The river is a glimpse at the way Florida was years ago. We were the first up the river and were treated to a rare glimpse of the wild pigs that roam the area.

We saw monkeys that are rumored to have been left behind from the Tarzan movies filmed here years ago. They put on a good show leaping from tree to tree, wrestling and being curious. They are not native to the area but for many years have had river travelers looking for glimpses of them in the trees.

As we silently traveled upstream we cruised for a while within about 15 yards of an 8 foot gator making its way upstream. We peacefully coexisted side by side for a few minutes respectfully enjoying his beauty.

We saw a boat on the river that would have looked at home in a Vietnam big story about it it just looked odd on this river.

It was enjoyable to take in the colors and sights as we glided within feet of turtles, birds, and plant life that defies words painting the landscape with splashes of color among the many shades of green

Click on the arrow to get a feel of the river

I got news a good friend of mine, Darrell, from California was involved in a car bike collision on the day before Thanksgiving. He was stuck by a car that cut in front of him. And thanks to great bike handling he is alive. He was able to avoid a high impact crash and received a glancing blow which resulted in a compound fracture of his lower left leg. He had surgery and is healing now with a titanium rod in place. I would ask that you pray for a quick and full recovery for him. He is pictured on the left below.

We are truly blessed.... as I pause to give thanks for things we sometimes take for granted: Life, bountiful provision, family, a network of friends around the country and so many other things. Thank you to God for all our blessings

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