Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas is coming and so is some time off

As of today we are 10 days from Christmas. I am done saying Happy Holidays.... dog gone it it is CHRISTmas and that is how I am greeting people this year no more saying Happy Holidays for me. I am done seeing clients for the year.. though I will still return calls and work a bit at home doing some planning for clients. I will also take some time to enjoy the season.

This week a client of mine sent me a cool snowman... one on a bicycle. She also gave a nice one to Bernice-- thanks to Mary & Craig Ehle. She is the niece of "Mean Betty Green" the math teacher from Knox

We got the tree up in the past week and we had 40+ people over yesterday a Christmas Open House. It went very well. This year we introduced Cayce to the clients and she did a great job of chatting with them and helping the event to go well. With Derek Michael Cayce Bernice, Susan (my assistant) and I pitching in we were all able to enjoy the
It will be nice to have the kids at home for at least part of the time during the Holidays. Mike has to work his job at Sonny's but will be home a good part of the time.

Today the training continues for the Ididaride. There are now 34 days till the event. Today my neighbor John and I headed to the Landbridge.I was a 20+ mile ride. We are blessed with a really cool Trail system just 3 miles from our door.

It is part of the Cross Florida Greenway. We can acutally ride about 20 miles of singletrack one way from the trailhead.
Today was warm almost 80 degrees and the dirt was flying and we had a blast.

The patch is one I wear on my Harley vest in honor of my friend Jack Hennessy. Jack died a little over 2 years ago. I miss him at this time of year as we always spent Christmas morning together.

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