Sunday, November 16, 2008

Daisy Daisy.....

One bit of bright news during the recent ecconomic downturn is Gas Prices ahve more than cut in half....

After waiting since early August our tandem finally arrived yesterday November 15th. It is made by a company called Co-Motion in Eugene,Oregon. It was worth the wait-- it is gorgeous

The model is a Speedster Co-pilot. This is a coupled tandem which means has couplers that allow it to come apart and it fits in 2 suitcases that are checkable as normal luggage.

Yesterday we had ridden our regular bikes in the AM and got the message it was in so after lunch we picked it up-- we had just enough time for a 9 mile ride before kickoff for the Gator Game.

Today we got to go for a bit longer ride of 22 miles with a few hills. We got along very well, enjoying the teamwork aspect of Tandem riding. You have to communicate everything to your partner.

Two things that are odd are as follows. Starting /stopping takes some coordination and photo taking is wierd with only one of us in the picture....I enlisted my neighbor John to take this pic and the video

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