Sunday, November 23, 2008

Brrrrr..... I thought this was Florida

We had a week where the lows were consistently in the low 30's or high 20's..... and that my friend is chilly weather. For my northern family and friends --- you know I ski regularly in the single digits while up in NY -- so I am not going soft. But with the Florida humidity 30 feels like 15.

Even with the brisk weather we still got nearly 100 miles on the tandem. We are getting more & more comfortable on it. There is a large amount of communication necessary --- every thing from clipping into the pedals to starting, stopping, shifting, and even coasting has to be communicated.

We do very well and with a grand total of 4 rides we are already getting more and more proficient. I will say that riding into the wind is easier on it than on a single bike & rolling terrain is just plain FAST.

On other fronts Derek has been sick for about 3-4 days now....mainly a stomach thing where he can not keep food down. Oh for wisdom on his part to take it easy and heal.

This week is thanks giving and I would be remiss if I did not mention a few things I am thankful for. My family (all of you), our country and the freedoms we have, Christ for dying on the cross to forgive my sins, my friends that form a patchwork of memories and support from coast to coast, my Job and my staff along with my business partner Michael, and the Internet that is just one more way we can all stay connected.

We will have a crowd of about 14 on Thursday some family, some friends, and as usual some strangers. I think this Holiday more than others is a time to gather with all sorts of people and share the blessings.

It was cold but we had a new bike so we bundled up and off into the wind we went. This particular ride was our longest at just under 40 miles and by time we were done it was a comfortable 62 degrees.

We visited a long time client and friend Ruth who at 80+ years had to throw a leg over the new bike. I will say at one of her birthdays over 80 she hopped on my Harley and we went to lunch some 20 miles away.

She is a sport and heck of a nice lady, still very active --playing tennis, mahjong, and tirelessly raising money each year for our local hospice agency.

I think our trip to the Netherlands softened us a bit, as now we think nothing of stopping for a cup of coffee. This pic was taken outside the Yahala Bakery near Top of the World

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i notice you still didn't stop at a "coffee house" for coffee, haha.

great pics of mrs Goldstine!

I'm thankful for my business partner too...

love you