Sunday, January 25, 2009

When we got to New York we went to my niece's basketball game.  She played well and scored several points in their victory. It was fun to see her play. That is her at the free throw line.

We were able to spend time with family which was nice.  Pictured here are three generations of Mike Millers. Dad is doing well at 84 years old. It was fun each morning to watch he and his friends joke around in McDonald's. They carry on like teenagers picking and pranking each other. 

The scenery driving back and forth to the mountain to ski was very nice. seeing every thing  from ice formations to wildlife.

The skiing was great.... three days on the slopes. Snow was excellent and temps were moderate te first two days and a bit nippy on the third. Micael & I had some good time together—conversations went all over the board from sports to deeper more important issues of life. I feel truly blessed to have two great sons. You might ask why I would say that--- well—let me tell you. First they both love and care about God. Second they care about family. Neither one of those two are casual to them – Rather deep commitments. I appreciate the manners and helpful spirits they demonstrate as they interact with people. Yep I am truly blessed with a great family.

The highlight of the trip was not the skiing though ..... one of my relatives and I were talking about life and the amazing way my sister Nancy is handling the fact she was placed on hospice care as she battles cancer. The reason she is facing death with such peace is her faith. She knows she will be with God in heaven when she dies. My relative was asking me many questions about that and as a result we prayed together and she recieved Jesus into her heart as her Saviour. I was very excited and thankful for this.
The week end included a nice evening with some friends from High School as well. What fun to tell old stories and reflect on events over the years. There were about 14 of us there and the funny thing is we found each other again thru the internet and an application called Facebook.

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