Sunday, January 04, 2009

A New Year ---- 2009

A new year brings new opportunities, challenges and transitions.  As we look towards 2009 there are several opportunities I will enjoy. One is continuing to teach Michael about the business of Financial Planning. He has learned much of the basics in 2009 we will add to that and teach him more about solving problems and running a business. This is fun time and he is a quick learner and that is good for there is still MUCH to learn.

 Derek will finish High School this year and transition to the next phase  of his life--- College.  There are days when I wonder if he is ready ---- YET ...many more when I KNOW he is.  He is growing into a young man and I am constantly getting complements after his interaction with people about his character and personality. It will be another challenge  for Bernice and I to have him away from home but this is God's plan for parents.  We survived when Michael left and in return we now have a daughter to love and enjoy ---his wife Cayce.

When New Years Eve came we celebrated the day in a way that seemed right to us. We went on a long bike ride in the morning then had friends over for a meal.

 Friends and Family are   two key components in life for us.  Of course the other big one would be Faith. It is AWESOME that God gives us all three components to enjoy.  I am asked now & then how my sister Nancy deals with the hand she is given (She has Cancer that is back again -- this time in her brain and liver)  I do not claim to understand the Why about her situation but I know about the Faith I have ....(the same one she shared with me 33 years ago) and I know this did not take God by surprise and like she told us recently either God will heal her or she KNOWS where she is going.  You might think ....How can she Know??  Well God promises eternal life to those who call on His name and trust his Son (Jesus) as payment for their sins. 

I know some people say they do not want to hear about  all the Bible stuff....well ....take a look at where the rubber meets the road.  A person fighting a serious disease and Her faith is STRONG and SURE.  If you have never trusted in Jesus as your Savior and want to be sure you know where you are going ask either Nancy or myself.

A new year was ushered in with some games and great conversation with friends.... then I watched the ball drop in NYC and went to bed. 

The first day of 2009 ....hmmm a bike ride with my sweetie and a meal with family. This year for bicycling is another BIG one for us.  We are planning 2 major cycling trips.  The first a week in the Adirondack Mountains in mid July and then in September we are planning to bicycle from Alaine's house in Tacoma Washington all the way down the Pacific Coast to Tijuana Mexico. (well actually just to the border of Mexico --too much unrest there to ride in)

On Saturday I took a day off the bicycle after 4 straight riding days and rode the Harley about 160 miles with 7 other friends. It was a great day .....that was latter capped off with a new years beginning party at a friends house where we once again enjoyed friends.

Yep....key words for 2009 

Family  ---  Friends ---  Faith


Anonymous said...

enjoyed the blog and pics! Love you guys Nancy

Anonymous said...

nicely done blog, and really enjoyed the pictures! happy new year and see you soon.