Sunday, July 27, 2008

Summer in Florida

w Well it is that time of year where the only ones that are riding regularly are the steadfast and faithful. The rest of them are enjoying air conditioning...WHY??? Cuz it is Humid and Hot here. Mind you I am not complaining- I choose to live here but the monotony of the weather does get old by this time of summer.

Many cyclist and their bikes fall prey to the warm summer weather. To fight this we simply ride early in the morning- oft times pedalling away from the house before 7:00 am.

I added this one because I thought the reflection of the camera in my glasses was kinda neat. I take most of the photos here while on the move and occasionally I turn it in my own direction.

This picture has two fold significance. First the writing on the sign could not be more fitting for Bernice and her love for reading. I did not notice that when I asked her to pose there. The school is a relatively new one here in town and is named after the son of a former client of mine. The son received the Medal of Honor for saving the lives of his unit by giving his own by covering an enemy grenade with his body while fighting in Viet Nam. The Mr Bowen Sr.died this past week as well.

We have been treated to several new roads in the county in the last year or so. That is always nice for cycling as it means good pavement and a bike lane.

The bike lanes are nice -- now if we can get the county to actually connect them. Many times now you go a couple miles and they end with no warning other than a sign "BIKE LANE ENDS" Yikes!!! sometimes this is at in inopportune time.

We stop now & then at a little park off of SW 80th Avenue called Shalom Park. It is peaceful as the name implies.

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