Sunday, February 15, 2009

I wanted to tell you guys who I work with on a day to day basis.  Michael is an Associate Financial Advisor,   Hannah is a meeting preparation specialist and handles correspondence. Derek is interning at the office several days a week and handles technology  solutions.  Bernice is the client relationship specialist and Susan handles primarily planning inputs and home office issues.

Last week I went back again to NY ...yes only 9 days after the last time. Primarily to see my sister Nancy who is battling cancer but I was also able to sneak in a little skiing. As you can see Winter still has a firm grip on New York State. The first day I was there it did not get above 5 degrees for the high. Even fast flowing rivers were nearly frozen solid.  

Luckily I have the right gear to be able to enjoy the snow even in the frigid temps.

Back in Florida I am still fighting a cold and apparent sinus infection but Bernice and I were able to get out for 2 nice rides on the tandem. (45 and 43 miles) 

I add these last to for the benefit of my nieces husband Chris and my sisters significant other Brian.  Both of whom have how shall we say sick senses of humor.  So when we stopped for lunch on Friday and I saw these outside of the BBQ place I thought of them and snapped away.  Enjoy!!