Sunday, April 06, 2008

DARE to Dream

When I saw this sign it was a must stop photograph. From leaving GE in 1978 to coming to Florida in 1986 to cycling across the whole country--- each facet of the Journey begins with a Dream. All of us have dreams the trick is to take the steps to identify and achieve them.

In just a few weeks we hope to achieve another dream.... to bicycle in Holland and Germany. The windmills there will look different but do the same thing as our Florida.

I had to include some Cows for Colby my nephew in New York. I am told he enjoys the animals when I include them.

We began the move to my new office on South East Fort King Street. We are just about totally set up now. So I thought I would share some photos of the new digs.

The lobby

the primary client meeting room

Susan and Bernice's office

My office

The file room/kitchen and Michael's office are not finished yet.

We had some good bicycle rides and some good rain this week... luckily not at the same time.

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